Where Cocoa Beach Meets the Stage

301 Ramp Road

Cocoa Beach, FL, 32931

(321) 783-3127

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Auditions for the Fearless Improv Brigade

Tuesday, September 17 at 7:00 PM

The Fearless Improv Brigade will be holding auditions to fill several spots in the Brigade.

Come prepared to perform Improv scenes and games.

Selected candidates will enter the troupe and be expected to participate in weekly practice sessions and various Improv performance for at least one year.

Qualifications Include:
Previous Improv performance experience
Attendance in two or more Improv classes at Surfside Playhouse

For questions, email Mario Busacca at mbusacca@cfl.rr.com.

Fearless Improv Brigade Audition Process

We will warm up as a group. Then you will be asked to perform various games and scenes.

We will be evaluating the following criteria:

  • Setting the Platform (Who, What, Where and When)
  • Supporting Partner(s) and not blocking offers
  • Use of questions
  • Character development
  • Incorporating action
  • Voice projection and clarity
  • Use of props and developing environment
  • Being able to reduce transactional scenes
  • Creativity
  • Establishing Relationships

We will take the information and determine selection of new members over the next couple of days. We will notify everyone by the end of the week. We will also provide feedback to each person.

Please do not be discouraged if you are not selected, we have only a limited number of slots to fill and we will hold auditions again in the future.

Audition Pre-Registration

Pre-registering for auditions is encouraged but not required. 

We practice once a week on Tuesdays and perform every other month at various venues.