Disney “The Jungle Book Kids”
Adapted from Disney’s beloved animated film and the works of Rudyard Kipling, the “man cub” Mowgli, bounds through the jungle and learns what it means to be human.
An Improv Christmas “Carole”
Join our newest gang of improv comedians as they tickle your funny bone with holiday themed sketches created on the fly.
Home for the Holidays
Home for the Holidays ensemble cast as we bring you all the feels of the season.
The Edwards Twins
In a world of tribute shows and impersonators there is NO other show like The Edwards Twins “Ultimate Variety Show! … PERIOD!
The Fearless Improv Brigade SCARED SILLY
There’s plenty of goosebumps to go around between the continuous rounds of laughter as the Brigade brings us a seasonally inspired night of improv comedy.
The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Orlando’s Premier Rocky Horror Picture Show Shadowcast!
Can it get any Hotter?
Featuring the Improv Class of August 2022.
Moby Dick Fractured
A Surfside original retelling of classic literature!
Call me hysterical!
You Can’t Take It With You
Dancing., Fireworks, and Dreams!
An uproariously marvelous play sure to make you smile.
The Case of the Golden Goose
It’s up to you to be the first to solve the crime and win the grand prize.