Saturday, April 6
Family Matinee 3:00 PM ($7)
Premiere of “Radius” a film by Scott Allard
Evening Event 6:00pm ($10)
6:00 PM
Happy Hour begins with Live Music by “The Aquanuts” including an Encore Showing of “Swells of Interest” a film by Dr. Diana Wehrell-Grabowski
7:30 PM
Premiere of “Radius” a film by Scott Allard
An Atlantis Surf Film
In the not so distant past Cocoa Beach has been the hub of surfboard shapers and professional
surfers. The creation of the surfing industry in Cocoa Beach throughout the 80’s and 90’s still
affects today’s market. RADIUS takes a glimpse into the Cocoa Beach surfing scene from the
past and its current activity.
Interviews with Ricky Carroll – RC
Surfboards,.Jesse Fernandez WRV, Bobby Webb – Action
Surfboards, Dennis Griffin – Core Surf Shop and others.
Featuring Local Cocoa Beach surfers from the pro’s to the timeless legends
Surfboard Raffle: Win a Classic Design Custom Longboard by Ricky Carroll